This is the life and times of an entertainer's facade and the rapture that viewers get absorbed in to.
"Optic Bliss" by Senseless Genius
Hip-Hop video directors target audiences who are susceptible to mirages displayed in your favorite music videos. Ideas and visual impressions that are rooted and also generated by the story lines scripted in popular cinemas such as Scarface, New Jack City, GoodFellas, King Of New York, etc. Portraying the music artist as an untouchable symbol of the "American Dream" who's life is constructed of a plethora extent of women, excessive partying, and money to splurge on any and everything. We as spectators watch this representation of lifestyles of the rich and famous, while we are forced to dwell in the existence of an economic disaster/repression. For the 4 minutes that the video last, we forget about our own hardships and financial constraints, and become consumed into a world of lavish mansions, shopping sprees, and trips to foreign islands. All of the luxuries that the average blue collar individual couldn't fathom even with unlimited overtime. Viewers are subject to a Jam of The Week that displays money as an actual commodity that grows on trees or at least floats in the air (ironically, that no one tries to grab). Coming back down to ground level from a euphoria high, forces the average person to question the fairness in life. Forming rhetorical questions like "How does a person who just puts words together over a beat, get to live like royalty, while I struggle and work harder than hard-work, just to make ends meet?" [PAUSE] - [I just sounded like a rapper myself.. that was kinda hot] [OK, BACK TO MY DAY JOB]
Your modest self reflection eventually transpose into a vicarious display of hate. The questions abruptly turns into aggressive statements. "That guy don't even deserve that money. He don't even know what to do with it. Give me a million dollars, I'll show him how to spend it." Unfortunately, no one is going to just "give" you a million dollars. Furthermore, the people who can easily design a plan of what to do with someone else money, are usually the people who aren't satisfied with the maintenance of their own cash flow. Don't get me wrong, I'm not immune to these insecurities either, however, I use the demonstrations that I see through music television as motivation rather than propaganda to hate. From the houses that are shown on Cribs to the expensive cars that are parked in front of the property, I use it all as promotion for motivation. Staying grounded helps you understand that self-made millionaires were normal people who saw the optic light at the end of the tunnel and kept walking until it shined brighter. Music videos are entertainment. Nothing different than when you see Al Pacino take the final shot to the back before he falls into the fountain. At the end of the day, Pacino got up and walked off the set while 75% of hip-hop artist return the rented cars, jewelry and houses to the appropriate company. It's only natural to see a certain lifestyle and admire the people who operate within it. Be that as it may, you owe it to yourself to take the time to curb the bliss and configure your dreams for life time aspirations that come through hard work rather than an acclaimed illusion presented by a one-hit wonder. Being successful isn't easy, because if it was, everybody would be.
I leave You with my Final Thought of the day…
Following a path through tunnel vision doesn't allow you to see what might be passing by you. Open your eyes and be mindful of the opportunities that may have already knocked. Patience and dedication enables success to be less of a dream and more of your reality. On route to your paper chase, don't forget to keep track of your dream. Once you find it, the chase will end and the money will start shadowing you.
“Are You Not Entertained? Are You Not Entertained?”
“Is This Not Why You Are Here?”
-Your Thoughts Have Just Been Upgraded by Mr. Perkins-
“Are You Not Entertained? Are You Not Entertained?”
“Is This Not Why You Are Here?”
-Your Thoughts Have Just Been Upgraded by Mr. Perkins-
Senseless Genius ©